Official, Licensed & Limited Edition Fine Art Music Images

Discover LiveArt, your premier source for Official, Licensed, Limited Edition Fine Art Music Images. Fuelled by a passion for live music and photography, we capture and transform iconic concert moments featuring The Tragically Hip, Gord Downie, and more into stunning fine art photographs.

The Tragically Hip

A collection of Officially Authorized and Licensed Fine Art photographs of The Tragically Hip taken during the Man Machine Poem Tour.


The Gord Downie Collection

A collection of Officially Authorized and Licensed Fine Art photographs of Gord Downie taken during Gord’s various solo projects from the archives of David Bastedo.


The Secret Path Collection

The proceeds from The Secret Path Collection will be donated to the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund to further their important work of building a better, more equitable country for all.

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